Madagascar. Little island. Small point on the globe. And how much fame is spreading about him. Even the cartoon was removed, which also brought the glory to this island. We all heard about him.
Do you know where Madagascar is actually located? Yes, right. Madagascar is actually in Africa. This is an island state located in the western part of the Indian Ocean. To be precise, this is the south of Africa. The waters of the Indian Ocean are drawn from the east, which washes the shores of the island.
The main city of Madagascar is Antanariva. Also, in the vastness of the island, you can notice the mountains. One of these is the extinct volcano for Murumukutra. Its height is about three thousand meters. The island is one of the largest on the planet. Its area is equal to six hundred thousand square kilometers. The territory where Madagascar is located is customary to be divided into five main regions. This is the eastern coast, the Mountain Massive of Tsaratanan, the Central Nagoria, the West Coast and the South-West. In the center you can observe different topographic reliefs. In the south and west, erosion was pretty well spoiled by the soil area. Madagascar is also very unique to biologists. Animals survived here, which are no longer on our planet.