When you go abroad to rest, you should think about how to behave there so as not to bring trouble. This applies to a greater extent Muslim countries that have gesture frames of morality, especially for women. Therefore, before going to Egypt, it is necessary to ask yourself the question of what you need to know about Egypt in order not to get into a mess. Experienced travelers are happy to share tips that can be put into the framework of understanding how to behave on the territory of this Arab state. Among what you need to know about Egypt, in the first place is always what is categorically not desirable to do. Among the set of taboos, in the first place, of course, bathing in the Nile, in which there are a lot of bacteria that are as dangerous for the European. In the markets, Arab merchants very often sell products made of ordinary clay instead of lapisa products, so it is better to avoid purchases of such products – in vain loosened money. Among the fact that you need to know about Egypt is mandatory, the fact that without sunglasses and a high degree of cream protection, as well as a headdress, you should not go on excursions. Such negligence can turn into serious burns and spoiled leave.