What can be transported to Egypt?

What can be transported to Egypt?

From what can be transported to Egypt, for example, from fluids in a hand luggage, it is worth noting significant restrictions that operate at airports at Egypt customs from March two thousand seventh years. Cosmetics, as well as toiletries, which are included in the category of “liquids and gels” passes through the Egyptian customs only when they meet all the criteria prescribed in the legislation regarding these products. Among the requirements for the fact that you can transport in Egypt, the volume of the bottle or packaging, which should not exceed one hundred milliliters. The total volume of transported cosmetic and other liquids should not exceed one liter, while everything should be stored in a separate transparent package, which is carefully inspected during control. There is evidence that you can transport in Egypt and baby food in liquid form, but only to the amount that is necessary for feeding the child during the flight. The transported medicines must have accompanying documents in the name of the passenger who transports them, and the baby food is checked by a passenger who is designed to accompany the child.