Theory and practice in business

Theory and practice in business

The fact is that over time, many experts are faced with a lack of knowledge, but personal-business qualities, or competencies necessary for effective work and career development.

A brilliant expert of his business suddenly understands that the future performance at the conference, where he will represent his company, causes him a panic; A bright and talented manager by hook or by crook avoids business trips and misses the possibility of career growth; An experienced specialist with a good resume does not go through one interview after another.

Business training of a wide profile help to cope with such problems. They are aimed at educating general and core competencies, which are welcomed by any company, regardless of the sphere of its activities.

Rosa Rosa Remeeva, director of the Ufa branch of the Ankor personnel holding, has listed the qualities that are especially appreciated by the employees: – Today, employers want to see the result of the result, and not on the process, and not on the process.

The ability to plan and self -organize is also in demand, the ability to perform tasks without constant control by the head. The price is high performance, endurance, stress resistance.

Of particular importance is communicative success: the ability to speak in front of the audience, to negotiate.