Smart house with high -quality sound

Smart house with high -quality sound

At the dawn of the cinema, the public came to a public cinema to watch a film accompanied by piano music. Since then, the technique has been significantly improved, and today wealthy people can equip a full -fledged cinema in their home. The modern smart house (multi -s) consists of individual devices that are closely related to each other. The quality of the multimedia center, which combines the video – and audio equipment, depends on the correct choice of each element.

Provide a modern cinema with a large screen and high-quality sound, which is reproduced by multi-channel audio systems, best at the stage of compiling a design project during the construction or redevelopment of the house. The home cinema consists of 5 main elements-it is a Blu-ray player, AV-resort, TV, acoustic system and connecting cables. In order to fully enjoy watching the video, experts advise choosing LCD televisors with a widespread monitor, where response time is less than 8 ms.

The modern receiver converts the digital signal into an analog and is responsible for the sound quality, selected depending on the area of ​​the room. The device must process all modern sound formats. Blu-ray player is necessary in order to increase the brightness and clarity of the image. New interactive technologies allow using the Blu-Ray player to gain access to online games and other resources.

The audio system is responsible for the quality of sound reproduction, which is divided into central, rear and front channels. For playing low -frequency sound, subwoofer is used. The central speakers have magnetic protection and are installed as close to the TV as possible, frontal floor acoustics are placed on the right, approximately 1-1.5 meters from the floor. Rear columns are installed behind the viewer. When choosing audio systems, the most important indicator is not design, but filling. Gi Fi professional acoustic systems have excellent characteristics, where exclusive technological solutions are used.

Installation of home cinemas is carried out in several stages. First, the project and technical documentation are created and approved, it determines which technology will be used, then the number of zones is selected, which allows you to exclude unnecessary duplication of audio – and video sources and reduce the cost of installing the system. Some zones, such as a living room or dining room, can be divided into separate subzones.

Also at this stage, the type of multimedia system is determined, controls: it can be simple volume controls or modern sensory remotes. In terms of complexity, there is a gradation for entry-level devices, which are designed for 4-6 zones, and complex systems that cover more than 10 zones.

After the project for installing all components of the multimedia system has been developed, Istallers install installation boxes in which acoustic cables are laid. In order to ensure the most accurate image, the sound quality is not deteriorated, the wires made of vanity copper are used. At the final stage, reproduction sources and multi-controller monitoring are installed, the elements are connected to each other, the system is adjusted. Multiple can be used for internal connection with any of the connected rooms, can combine security and notification functions.