Real estate must bring profit!

Real estate must bring profit!

It is believed that a person who owns real estate, if not rich, is at least wealthy. However, in itself, the possession of square meters of housing or non -residential areas does not bring money. On the contrary: the content of any real estate requires expenses ..

Than to cover them? Of course, the sale of apartments is not an option: the money received, no matter how significant it is, will quickly run out. Real estate should become a source of funds sufficient for its maintenance and to provide the owner!

Achievement of success in performing such tasks requires serious preparation. You can not rent housing in an unprepared form, without quality repairs and decent re -equipment. That is, it is possible, of course, but the rent in this case will be small, as well as the solvency of tenants.

It is no secret to renting a cheaper apartment – the desire not only economical and hardworking, but also irresponsible and lazy … Therefore, it is worth finding reserves and bringing real estate into a state, appropriate to the norm – preferably, in its highest quality understanding.

Attempts to reduce expenses in this case require a certain dedication. Equipping, for example, a bedroom, buy new furniture. B/y beds are nonsense, prone to the appearance of a creak. Reviewed mattresses are often stuffed with worthless material, smell of mold, dust.

Saved on laying wiring with grounding? So, your tenants will “shake” the current when using a washing machine. Put in the kitchen a gas stove from the cheapest? Be sure: the rusted enamel chips and the layered nagar in the oven will scare away the following residents.

However, the long -term rental of apartments may provide for the installation of his own equipment by the tenant. However, you should not count on the favor of the payer if you did not equip the windows over the noisy line with two -chamber double -glazed windows with thickened glasses.

When preparing the apartment for rent, focus not on your own endurance and resistance, but on potential prying and exactingness of the guest. Only in this case you can count on a long and comfortable accommodation, making more profits than a frequent change of residents.

It is easy to rent well -prepared housing, and it brings more money – this is an undeniable truth.