NBU requires banks about all customers

NBU requires banks about all customers

Only two weeks left for banks for the formation and transfer of data on their customers to the National Bank. According to information in connection with the action to combat the legalization of “dirty money”, customers need to provide information on their property, accounts available in other banks and relations with “public figures” until October 22. According to experts, an increase in the amount of information requested from citizens will provoke only an increase in the shadow economy. Yesterday, when withdrawing funds through an ATM, customers of one of the banks read in checks the invitation to appear in the department to undergo identification with a passport. The bank call center explained that this procedure is carried out in accordance with the requirements of Decree No. 22 of the NBU, which states that all bank customers are required to provide themselves with profiles until October 22. In addition, the bank branches have long been posted by the relevant ads offering the coming to customers to undergo survey. Resolution No. 22 of the NBU since April 22 made amendments to the regulations “On the implementation by banks of financial monitoring” and the formation of an expanded database of customers gave half a year. In this regard, in a special questionnaire, each individual must indicate the identification number, passport data, place of work, position, email address and contact phone number. Banks must assess the reputation and level of risks in the implementation of financial transactions. At the same time, the services used by the client, account numbers in other banks, contact with “public figures or persons associated with them” are indicated. The client must report the information about the existing movement and real estate, information about securities planned by the amount of operations and sources of income. Identification of legal entities, non -residents and residents, contains all the information about the financial and economic activities carried out by them with the listing of persons who have access to the property of enterprises. According to customers at risk, data collection was carried out until June 22, and until October 22 for all the rest. Other banks argue that they do not know anything about the decision, or they identify without inviting customers to the bank. Also, the decision of the NBU provides for identification on the simplified principle of customers who are not suspected of legalizing criminal income, but banks, fulfilling the wishes of the NBU, collect the maximum amount of information.